Circuit #4 High plank Elbow plank Side plank right Side plank left
Repeat each circuit FOUR times (yes, you heard me- 4!!!!).
For Circuits 1 and 2, complete the following number of reps. If the exercise is on a single side of the body, complete 12, 10, 8 or 6 each side. ● Round 1: X12 reps ● Round 2: X10 reps ● Round 3: X8 reps ● Round 4: X6 reps
For Circuit 3, set your timer to 1 minute. Complete as many of the lunge combination as you can during that minute.
For Circuit 4, set your timer to 2 minutes. Complete each plank in the series for :30. Change positions with no rest. Try to maintain your plank for 2:00 full minutes!