Sometimes I TOTALLY miss college. Sorority life, date parties, tailgates, Mad Mushroom cheese bread......ahhhh. In all seriousness, sometimes I do. I had the chance last Monday to get a taste of college life (walk across campus in the pouring rain included), and had the BEST time. I worked with the coolest group of girls, and am still green with envy that this organization was not a "thing" when I was a student. The CHAARG group at the University of Cincinnati is an organization of young women who focus on learning to love fitness and a healthy lifestyle. They meet weekly as a group to workout together, take classes, and learn about health and wellness and are held accountable via weekly e-mails and social media. Again...cue jealousy. It is so cool. The best part is that this isn't just a group unique to the University of Cincinnati. There are chapters all across the nation. I was truly inspired by each and every girl involved! I know it is not always easy to manage college life and healthy life...but they are managing to do it so well! I heard from one of the ladies after the class....and we both decided...WE NEED MORE! So....if you are interested, join us for a CHALLENGE (You all know I love a good challenge)! 30 workouts, 30 minutes, 30 days, 30 dollars.
e-mail [email protected] with the subject ucchaarg for details OR sign-up using the link below! Hope to hear from you soon!
XoXo, NaturallyNati
This job just keeps getting cooler and cooler! This week I had two AMAZING opportunities to work with women from two totally different worlds, and it was awesome. I think the best part about it is that everyone has the same end goal- to be the best and healthiest version of themselves. There is nothing better than collaborating with empowering women- and I am lucky enough to have the chance!
Stay tuned for more details! #Hydeparkmoms #CHAARG #UCCHAARG XoXo, NaturallyNati I'm not going to lie....this whole working full-time mom thing is busy. Busy and I love it. I am SO blessed to have such a supportive family that allows me to do my 900 jobs and be a dedicated mommy and wife. But it is BUSY. And pretty exhausting. Like coffee at 10:10 PM exhausting. Hence the fact that I have not posted anything since MATERNITY LEAVE. That was LAST school year people! It is ABOUT TIME! And I promise, there is a lot of exciting stuff to catch you all up on! First and foremost, we welcomed our AMAZING little boy into our family last April, and life has been nothing but crazy since. He is the most perfect little specimen, and I could not be more grateful for each and every minute I get to spend with him. I LOVED pregnancy. Not all of it. There were ups and downs of course. I could have done without the downs.....but being a health educator at heart, I wanted to learn more. I continued my education this fall and obtained education in pre and post natal fitness. So then of course, I had to put that knowledge to use. Right? I was fortunate enough to get a fabulous groups of moms from all different stages of motherhood- 6 weeks postpartum (rockstar....right?) to 6 years postpartum (still rockstar.....right?)-together and workout WITH OUR LITTLE NUGGETS! I can't even begin to tell you how inspiring it was! Seeing all of these fabulous women and children working towards the same goal together---my heart seriously was about to explode. Also so were my legs....holy squats and lunges (add an 18 pound sidekick and it really takes it up a notch). Luckily for me (and all of the moms in attendance) the infamous Kristin Weinberg from was there to document it all. Kristin is not only an awesome friend, an amazing Jazzercise instructor, but the BEST photographer who captures images using her unique photojournalistic style! Kristin took our newborn photos (a few of my faves seen below), and I could not get enough! She was so fun to work with and made the experience SO laid back and stress free (which speaks volumes...because we all know how intense family photos are!!) Since Kristin and I had such a blast with our first mom's event....we decided to collaborate again! Because we are all BUSY... I have put together a plan: 30 days of 30 different 30 minute workouts all for $30. After Brady, I was determined to get my workouts in with limited time. These workouts can be done quickly AND with a little buddy! No mom-guilt getting in the way here! This 30/30/30/30 deal includes:
PLUS: added bonus, Kristin is going to throw in a complimentary session for anyone who purchases this package and offer you 20% off of all product purchases! These workouts will be delivered to your inbox on Monday, October 23!!! This offer is not limited to moms! Anyone can join! Interested?!? Sign up now! Fill out the form below or shoot me a message at [email protected]! Finally, I had to include the images from our mommy tabata workout at Swaim Park in Montgomery, Ohio. I seriously CAN'T GET ENOUGH! Enjoy! We hope you take advantage our of Super Sweet Deal! XoXo, NaturallyNati |
February 2022