It was almost-vacation-clean-out- the- fridge night in my house.....which meant breakfast for dinner. I accidentally created a really tastey protein pancake. Ingredients: -1/2 cup GF rolled oats -1 egg -Handful of berries (I used blackberries and strawberries) -1/4-1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt -1/2 tsp baking powder -2 oz Advocare vanilla meal replacement (or protein. I was out of vanilla protein and didn't think chocolate would work) Directions: -Mix contents in food processor. -You can add the berries to the mix or fold them in once you reach your desired batter consistency. -Lightly coat a non-stick pan with coconut oil spray and heat to medium heat. -Drop batter by 1/4 ish cup onto skillet. -Let cook until batter bubbles on the sides. -Flip, and let cook until golden-brown. -Top with fresh berries and syrup. XoXo, NaturallyNati
Get excited. I'm BAAAACk. New year, new me, new site. Holler. So...first post, here we go. I have never been one to believe much in dieting.....a cleanse here or there no biggie....but I just don't love diets...or honestly even the word "diet". It gives me anxiety. Plus I am a FIRM believer in everything in moderation. It's the key to life. No matter how many celery sticks you eat, that cookie you have been eyeing all day is probably going to accidentally end up in your mouth at some point. We are human. We crave. We like good food. That being said, I have been eating a few things lately that are both totally #myjam and healthy. I love Mexican food and I love cheese. So I have concocted loaded...but healthy nachos. Here's the sitch:
You need: 1 sweet potato 1/4 ish cup of black beans (I don't really measure...just do some scoops, sprinkles and shakes here and there) 1/8 cup ish of corn Spinach Tomato 1/8 ish cup of cheese Hungarian Paprika Cayenne Pepper Olive Oil Salt Pepper Directions: 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees 2. Slice sweet potato super thin (A. It makes the chips more crispy and B. It makes more --> you eat slower --> you feel full ) 3. Lay sweet potatoes on a baking sheet (Spray with non-stick first) 4. Drizzle olive oil on potatoes, then sprinkle with salt, pepper, cayenne pepper and paprika (up to you how spicy you want them) 5. Pop in oven for 20 minutes (depending on how crispy you want your chips) 6. Chop veggies and warm up black beans in microwave. 7. Once chips are done, spread on a plate and load em' up! 8. Pig out the healthy way! XoXo, NaturallyNati I MEAN IT LITERALLY ONLY SNOWS. OR SNOW/RAINS (SNAINS). AND FOR SOMEONE WITH INSANE ADHD....THIS IS NOT A FUNNY JOKE. I HAVE PAINTED MY ENTIRE UPSTAIRS, RE-DECORATED MY BEDROOM, PAINTED MY FIREPLACE, WALKED TO GET MY NAILS DONE AND CLEANED THE GROUT OF ALL THE TILE IN MY HOUSE WITH A TOOTHBRUSH (AND A PINTEREST CONCOCTION.... NEED TO SHARE). NOT JOKING. SO....TODAY I AM BASICALLY TWITCHING OVER HERE. AND TRULY I DID NOT WANT TO ONLY POST RECIPES....BUT I THINK I LIKE FOOD A LOT. AND I GAVE UP SWEETS AND POP FOR LENT SO I AM DISTRACTING MYSELF WITH HEALTHY, RE-INVENTED PINTEREST TREATS. SO HERE IT IS. TODAY'S FAVE.....CARROT, KALE AND POTATO SOUP AND GLUTEN-FREE PITA CHIPS.
OMG. These are straight up heaven. If you are looking for a clean cheat......this recipe is for you. I have had a really bad sweet tooth this week.....and I needed a teeny tiny pick me up....and found this gooey goodness. You need:
Serving-1 ball Calories- 29 Fat- 4 grams Carbs- 8 grams Protein- 2 grams Sugar- 4 grams **Depending on the size of ball and brand of products used. Yum. XoXo, NAtUrAllyNati ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I have FINALLY decided to embark on an exciting journey to follow some of my passions......and I can't wait to share all of them with you :)
February 2022