Exciting new NaturallyNati updates! I will be sending out a bi-weekly newsletter to keep everyone informed with what is going on! If you would like to receive this e-mail....please fill out the contact form below and type add to e-mail list in the comment box! Thank you so much for all of your support! This is truly such a fun venture and I couldn't do it without your support!
For real though. She is awesome. My cousin, Brandi Sisson.....is the best photographer EVER and I am so lucky to A. be related to her, and B. have her shoot my upcoming wedding! What could have turned out to be a disaster engagement photo session (considering the monsoon we braved), produced phenomenal photos....and all the credit goes to her. For reals. I don't know how she does it! Yes....she lives in Atlanta....but CHECK HER OUT!!!!!
http://www.brandisisson.com/#!/Home https://www.facebook.com/shuttersnapatl Okay. Two amazing summer snacks for the kiddos. Not only extremely easy....but healthy too! 1. Yogurt dots. Pick your favorite flavor of Greek yogurt(that's the hardest part). Next scoop yogurt into a ziplock bag. Cut a tiny hole at the corner of the bag and squeeze the yogurt into dime-size dots onto a piece of parchment paper. I added a tiny bit of food coloring to mine before I put them in the bag, and topped them with sprinkles. They look and taste like candy! Perfect hot afternoon treat! 2. Sour Grapies Okay so these are just frozen grapes....with a twist. Once you have your grapes off the stem and washed.... leave in a big bowl. Sprinkle with sugar-free Jello powder (I used grape) and freeze. I call them sour grapies because they taste like sour gummies. Another yummy and healthier alternative perfect for summer fun!!! Summer is HERE! XoXo, NaturallyNati ![]() Buy a jump rope. It will change your life. Okay it probably won't change your life.....but it is a bomb workout and a mega calorie burner! According to Shape Magazine, you burn up to 10 calories a minute jumping rope. Here was my less than 30 minute workout plan from yesterday....and it definitely kicked my booty. Jump Rope: 2 minutes (doubles) Plank: 2 minutes Jump Rope: 2 minutes (alternating feet) Push ups: 1 minute Side Planks with Dip: 30 seconds each side Jump Rope: 2 minutes (doubles) Bicep Curls: 1 minute Squats: 1 minute Jump Rope: 2 minutes (alternating feet) Alternating Lunge with Delt Lift: 2 minutes Jump Rope: 2 minutes (variation) Total Time: 18 minutes ![]() I can’t lie. Pizza is my total weakness. I am obsessed and in love with pizza……and there is nothing I can do about it. Except try to make it a teeny bit healthier….and gluten-free…..since eating gluten rips out my insides (that is very dramatic…but it does make me sick). You want to know what else makes me sick? How expensive gluten-free pizza can be. Even the single-serving frozen pizzas can cost upwards of $7.00. And no offense, if I am going to spend $7.00 on something….it is going to be a burrito bowl from Chipotle….#justsaying. So instead of shelling out the big bucks, I decided I would try 9 million different pizza crust recipes blending anything from cauliflower to tapioca starch together to come up with the perfect dough. While many of these recipes worked great …just as many were awful. The whole trial and error started to get tiresome and pricey. So I have found the perfect solution, for a perfect price. The secret….. Bob's Red Mill® Gluten Free Whole Grain Pizza Crust Mix. It tastes great and is extremely easy to make. Here is the best part......you can get it super cheap at Big Lot's! It sells for $3.80 and makes enough dough for 2-12 inch crusts. According to Fooducate---(download ASAP if you haven’t already.....link is below), it scores an A- due to the fact it is 100% whole grain and only 200 calories per serving. Other name brand gluten-free pizza crusts/doughs can contain upwards of 500 calories per serving. I only use veggies for the topping. I don't even add cheese (except for a few sprinkles of parmesan) . I also have made my own "sauce", which eliminates the processing and extra sugars that are sometimes found in traditional pizza sauce. If you buy the dough, follow the cooking instructions exactly. When the crust is prepping initially, I make the "sauce" and prep my veggies. You can totally use whatever veggies you like. I first grill tomatoes, mushrooms, yellow, red, banana and orange peppers topped with a little Italian seasoning, olive oil and garlic. It depends on how "cooked" you want them, so just keep an eye out for when they look done to you. Meanwhile, I sauté spinach and kale and sit that to the side when cooked. For the sauce, I only use olive oil, red pepper flakes and garlic. I brushed the sauce onto the crust, added the veggies, sprinkled the rest of the sauce and some parmesan on top and put back into the oven per the instructions on the dough. Give it a whirl. You won't be disappointed! XoXo, NaturallyNati Another FREE FITNESS PARTY coming up.......this time for the kiddos! Get your shop on at the Hyde Park Farmer's Market, while your kids get a FUN, FAB, FITNESS experience! I will be hosting a party from 11:00 AM- 12:00 PM Sunday, May 24th at Ivivva in Hyde Park Square! Children ages 4-14 are welcome!!!!
Never been to Ivivva? It is a little people lululemon! Check them out!!!! http://info.ivivva.com/cincinnati/ivivva-cicinnati-showroom Contact me with any questions!!!! [email protected] |
February 2022